Week of 4/15/24
14 Runs Total!
•3:27pm | Medical Assist – SQ41 assisted Co.23 EMS units.
•5:06pm | Wires – E43 found wires down in the roadway. STA4 fire police controlled traffic until the power company arrived.
•12:17am | House Fire – TK42 responded to Mercersburg in box area 9-02 for a report of camper on fire near a house. TK42 was placed in service while in route.
•9:01pm | Vehicle Accident w/ Entrapment – SQ41 and E45 found a single vehicle accident into a wooded area with no entrapment and minor injuries.
•8:19am | Wires – E45 found a tree limb on wires that caused a power outage in the area.
•11:45am | Medical Assist – SQ41 assisted Co.23 EMS and A1-7.
•8:43pm | Motor Cycle Accident – SQ41 and E45 found a dirt bike accident into a field. SQ41 assisted with patient treatment and packaging. E45 established a landing zone for Life Lion 3. STA4 fire police handled traffic control.
•11:55am | Medical Assist – SQ41 responded for a lift assist.
•5:33pm | Vehicle Accident – SQ41 found a two vehicle accident with no injuries.
•5:17pm | Vehicle Fire – E45, SQ41, and SU44 responded first due in box area 44-03 for a report of a car on fire. Units found one vehicle, well involved, with several vehicles near by. Units extinguished the fire and contained it to one vehicle.
•6:31pm | Fire Alarm – E45 and TK42 found a malfunctioning alarm.
•7:16pm | Fire Alarm – E45 and TK42 found burnt plastic in a microwave with no extension.
•1:28pm | Wires – E45 found the power company on scene on arrival. Call was cancelled.
•4:01pm | House Fire – E45, TK42, and AC49 responded first due in box area 44-05 for an appliance fire. AC49 found a single story rancher with smoke showing from the eves. E45 stretched an 1.5” handline and found fire in the kitchen cabinets and microwave. E45 was able to quickly stop the fire and the assignment was held to STA4, ET8, and TK17.
(Some Photos Courtesy: Denny Clopper)